Friday, December 10, 2010

Military Spouse Friday Fill-in

1. What do you see your life like in 10 years?

Hm.  Ten years seems so far away.  I think settled down in to whatever job and area Caleb decides on, raising our ten year old boy and possibly sevenish year old...if I got to choose boy if Caleb got to choose girl, although at this point in time I still can't imagine having another one.

2. What do you like most about your job?

I think being a mom is the most rewarding job.  Even after the most frustrating nights his big grin in the morning makes it better.  It's not an easy job though!

3. What are the three things you do everyday, no matter what day it is?

Change diapers, make dinner, take a shower

4. What would you do with an extra five hours in the day today?


5. What is your favorite Christmas cookie recipe?

I don't really have one?  But I love my mom's sugar cookies, so i'll say that one.

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

Even though I'm not a military spouse, I agree with just about everything! One day at a time, and enjoy every one of them!