Saturday, March 5, 2022


 We started the month with Arya's birthday.  I think this year might go down as her worst birthday ever.  The morning started out well.  She got to have a really fun art themed birthday and open a few presents and then she headed to school.  Around lunch time I got a call from the school nurse saying Arya wasn't feeling well and had a fever so I went and picked her up.  She came home and went straight to sleep.  She didn't want her birthday dinner or even her birthday cake and then her fever and throwing up stuck around for three days.  We put everything on hold and told her we'd have her cake whenever she was feeling up to it again.

Fast forward almost a week and she finally was feeling herself again.  We got out her cake, she requested and icecream one this year.  Unfortunately, we kind of overlooked the fact that this one happened to be gluten free....and it was terrible.  Sooo....we felt bad and had a birthday round three with a new normal cake that was edible.

I had a nice day with all my valentines this year too

And we discovered a super fun German spot near us that we've been enjoying