Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 There wasn't much to report in the month of September. We finally got the house all put together and fixed from the water damage and even got to turn our hidden room into a little office/homework space for the kids.

Caleb got to finish up his 5 month sleeve process.

My brother and family were finally able to come down for a visit. We've scheduled so many times over the last couple years and the weather or sickness has made us have to cancel for every single one. We had so much fun.

They got some sour candy on their treasure hunt.

We also got to carve some pumpkins. Caleb even joined in for his first ever pumpkin carving.

And last but certainly not least, we got to enjoy our first Virginia chestnuts of the year. I love that we have an orchard so close. We opted to stay in for Halloween this year with some fun Halloween movies and candy baskets that I got to make up for the kids.

Also, here's a psa to put a goodie bin out for your delivery drivers this time of year.  We have so much fun with it and the drivers love it!