Monday, September 26, 2011

One day at a time.
That's all we can do,
Trusting that each day is one day closer,
Knowing that each step is one step of forward motion.

Keep walking.  Keep trusting.  Keep believing.  Keep loving.

It is in our journey to love what we are
becoming who we are to be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

To My Husband:

Just in case you stop by, I wanted you to know I love you and I wish more then anything you were here with us <3

And just in case you need a smile....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Picture Update for Dada

Just in case dada gets to check the's a picture update of the little man

All ready for church

He gets his own snacks now

He climbs in himself now

He watches the garbage truck come every day like this

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I know i'm his mom....but seriously, 
what a little stud muffin I ended up with!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Top Things Not to Say to the Spouse of a Deployed Serviceman

“I know how you feel.  My husband was away for nearly a week on business last month.” 
............Although, well intended, a short business trip is NOTHING like experiencing the weight of a deployment, which can last from six to fifteen months.
“I know how you feel, I was a single mom.”
.............The wife does stay alone and care for things, but a single mom does not have to worry about a husband being in danger.
“I understand what you are going through, I watch the show Army Wives.”
............The show Army Wives is not a reality show; it is a TV drama that is meant to mimic what writers believe to be true.
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“I couldn’t deal if my husband left that long.”
............Hearing this is not a compliment.  The wife does not have a choice to “deal,” and, often times, they don’t know how they get through either; they just do it because they honor and love their husband.
“Well you only have 9 months left. The rest is easy now.”
.............Having a portion of the deployment completed does not make the rest of the separation easier.
If he is in Iraq, “At least he is not in Afghanistan.”  OR If he is in Afghanistan, “At least he is not in Iraq.”
.............Regardless of his location for the deployment, he is still in danger and still separated from his family.
“Do you miss him?”
“Are you excited he is coming home?”
“Are you scared he will die?”
..............On the off chance that the spouse has taken her mind off these thoughts, you have now changed that.
“But he’ll be home for Christmas, right?”
..............Military personnel do not get to leave their assigned deployment for Holidays.  They are granted only two weeks of vacation to leave and visit their family.  Only a fraction of them can visit home at any given time, including holidays.
“You knew what you signed up for when you married a Marine.”
“You knew that he would be deployed.”
.............Military spouses do not marry the military; they marry the man or woman that they love who happens to be in the military.  No one can ever describe to you what the weight of a deployment is like or “what you are signing up for”.
“I am glad my husband isn’t in the military, because he could die.”
...........Believe it or not, people who aren’t in the military still die.
"If you truly supported your husband, you would be protesting so..he wouldn’t have to deploy again/could be brought home/the war would end."
..........Really? My definition of support must be much different than the definition of support by these people. Supporting my husband means supporting him in what he does and what he believes in. It does not mean disrespecting the men and women who volunteered to defend our country and our rights. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have the right to protest in the first place. I’m certainly not putting myself in a position where it could be construed as anything other than 100% support for our troops and their families.
"I can’t believe your husband did this to you. Aren’t you mad at him?"
........Um, what?! My husband didn’t do anything to me. He honors his agreements and he follows the orders of his superiors. There’s certainly nothing sad or maddening about having a husband who fulfills his commitments. Don’t feel sorry for me. I’m proud of my husband and I completely support him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vanilla coffee, orange cranberry muffins, and this happy face looking at me (despite working on getting every single one of his teeth right now)
Now I just need my husband and my Saturday will officially be complete.  A girl can dream right...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I know we have a long road ahead of us before Caleb comes home and I know it's probably a little early to be having hard days already....but there's just some days where I have a really hard time not being able to talk to Caleb.  It's been a long time since I heard him last or even heard what's going on in his life.
On days like today i'm reminded of God's perfect timing.  I got a thinking of you card today and this in my mailbox

Caleb hasn't had access to a computer in awhile.  He arranged ahead of time to have this sent to me.  I'm super thankful!  I know he's always thinking of me and missing me, but little reminders during this time are super sweet.
I'm thankful I have a thoughtful and loving husband to miss <3

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

boys, boys, boys

I remember when I was pregnant with Casen I thought for sure up until my ultrasound that I was having a little girl.  Don't get me wrong, I love little girls and I have three beautiful nieces!  But I really wanted a little boy.  Watching Casen and Caleb together does something that you only understand when you become a mom.  He's such a beautiful boy inside and out.  He has a huge personality that I absolutely love, especially since I have no idea where he got it from.  He doesn't hide a single emotion, both a blessing and a challenge.

This morning my sweet little angel walked over to me standing on his little tippy toes reaching up for a kiss.  I get the cutest little slobbery kiss....
....and then he proceeds to burp into my mouth

........and I changed my mind about wanting a boy :p

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Remember the war.  Remember the warriors.

So thankful  for and proud of my husband and all that he does

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Reminders

Not that I ever forget Caleb...ever :), but I love having little reminders of him.

This sweet yellow ribbon bracelet was in my mailbox today and I love it!

And what soon should be in my mailbox is this lovely necklace...of course with Caleb's picture inside that will be perfect for also carrying around his wedding ring, since he got a brand new one for deployment....since they wouldn't do the tattoos we wanted, boo :(

Monday, September 5, 2011

And so it goes...

It's been almost a week since Caleb left.  I'm praying the time flies by for us.  I know that's only possible through God.  Even though we've done it before, right now I just can't imagine our lives apart for such a long period of time.  Most people don't understand what it's like to never be able to even tell your husband about your day or hear how he's doing.  Our lives are so connected I just don't want to live it apart!

However...I have a little boy here at home with me and life can't stop just because I want it to...

I started a project that i'm super excited about, as you can see, involving lots and lots of marpat fabric :)  If it turns out how i'd like it....then i'm pretty excited about some upcoming Christmas presents!

We've been playing lots of legos and snuggling with a bear dada made

We sent out care packages and wrote lots of letters!

And we, of course, stocked up on comfort food and are diligently counting the days until we're all together again!

Please keep Caleb in your prayers!  Especially for his safety and finding comfort in all of this.

We also welcomed a little bundle of a niece into the family!  I can't wait to meet you Makenzie Alyssa!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mil Spouse Friday Fill In

1. My plans for this weekend not idea...hopefully starting to work on my projects if all the supplies arrive but what I’d really like to do spending the day hiking and at the park with my boys :(
2. I consider the Labor Day holiday The last "summer" holiday
3. My favorite meal for cookouts is This summer i've been loving brats on super yummy whole wheat buns and  homemade mac n cheese....and of course smores for dessert, which Caleb makes pretty good over our stove haha
4. So far, my favorite part of summer has been All the wonderful memories we've made as a family.  Our family unit has been so awesome this summer!  
5. When it comes to deployments, my philosophy is Forget philosophy let's just get them over with!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

May the Lord Keep Watch

"May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."

And off he goes...

This is our third deployment and it's definitely the hardest.  I thought having Casen would make things easier on me because I'd be occupied while Caleb was away...I was wrong.  The relationship those two boys have made is beyond words and it's so hard to imagine them apart for as long as they will be.  Of course i'll miss him too!

We got to discuss a lot where we were in our relationship for his first deployment being engaged, his second deployment just married with a baby on the way, and now his third deployment extremely happily married with an amazing little boy.  We're so much stronger now as a couple and a family, which makes things easier and harder all at the same time. 

I can't wait until he is home again!  Keep him in your prayers.