Thursday, September 1, 2011

May the Lord Keep Watch

"May the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."

And off he goes...

This is our third deployment and it's definitely the hardest.  I thought having Casen would make things easier on me because I'd be occupied while Caleb was away...I was wrong.  The relationship those two boys have made is beyond words and it's so hard to imagine them apart for as long as they will be.  Of course i'll miss him too!

We got to discuss a lot where we were in our relationship for his first deployment being engaged, his second deployment just married with a baby on the way, and now his third deployment extremely happily married with an amazing little boy.  We're so much stronger now as a couple and a family, which makes things easier and harder all at the same time. 

I can't wait until he is home again!  Keep him in your prayers.

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