Monday, December 6, 2010

All I Want for Christmas Is His Two Front Teeth

I wish these stubborn teeth would pop through!

Casen's nightly sleeping habits have gone down the drain.  Even if we let him cry it out he still doesn't sleep longer than two hours at a time.  I'm blaming it on the teeth in hopes that things will go back to normal once they pop through.  He has a visit to the pediatrician next week, so i'm hoping she can help me out with some answers.

His newest:
He's preferring food over his bottle.  He says mmm when he's hungry and lately when the bottles offered he turns it down and waits to be fed real food.  I don't think we're going to have a problem weening him and i'm not sure if he's going to make it to a year.  When we go to the grocery store we hear mmm mmm mmm down every aisle.  The boy loves his food!

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

Marissa made it to 10 months and then I just switched her to regular milk. Biggest struggle is just to make sure they are getting enough milk. He is one smart boy!