Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Menu Planning

Today...assuming Casen's cooperation...I am going to menu plan and coupon cut.  We are spending a ridiculous amount on groceries and it seems like when we get home I have enough to make three complete meals and lots of odds and ends leftovers none of which I can't make a whole meal with so we end up going shopping again before a week is complete.  I printed out some templates and have been doing some recipe research.  Hopefully taking one day a week will make the rest of the days go much smoother and save money.

On another note...maybe I should post my wishes more often...we have two bottom teeth popping through this morning!  And he only woke up twice in the night, after putting himself to sleep with no crying or fussing at all, just got tired of playing with his blanket.  Hopefully the worst of it is over until some more decide to come through.


Karen said...

I sit down before I go shopping and find out what I need and that's all I get. We cut back A LOT of groceries. Just recently though Patrick has been complaining that we don't have anything to eat...

Cristale said...

I do that too...but I say we're out of chicken so I get more chicken and have no plan on how i'm cooking it so I get home and have none of the other ingredients. So writing down the ingredients for each recipe ahead of time should help a ton.