Monday, July 28, 2014

Outside (the hardest work that nobody notices)

Before I start my outside update, here's a little update from the last post

The jersey is now hanging over the chair.  I know he no longer plays for the Patriots, but it was my first Patriots jersey so it seemed fitting to hang it up :)

Anyways, onto the outside.
Landscaping is a lot more work than I thought it was.  People are pretty serious about it down here and it goes beyond keeping your lawn mowed.  We've bought over 20 bags of mulch so far and still have spots that aren't finished. 

Here's our new fence I keep forgetting to put up pictures of

We love it!  And now I can't really remember the yard without it.  The last picture is behind our garage.  It's really shaded and grass doesn't grow well there so we've turned it into our little fire pit area.  We bought this fire pit from Lowes.  It's covered because we've been getting rain, but I will try to get a picture when the area is all set up.  We're also hoping to get a picnic table soon to put back there.

We've also put in lots of hours trimming all the pretty plants and trees in our yard.  The owner of this house (before the renovators bought it to flip it) was an elderly man so a lot of stuff outside was neglected for a long time.

 And we remulched all our front lawn trees. (something i've never really seen before but everyone down here seems to do it and it was already done to our trees, just need some refreshing from the winter)
 And the front of our house got some pretty additions.  We trimmed back the plants, re-mulched everything, and laid the marble rock to have a little bit of a barrier.

Here's what it looked like right before we moved in
And after

That's it for now.  We are officially in party planning mode :)

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