Friday, July 18, 2014

5 on Friday


Seriously, this kid.  I'm not sure if I should be more worried that she loves them this young or how well she walks around the house in them.

This week has been filled with a ton more yard work.  Morgan has come over a few days to help me get it all picked up.  In this corner sat a bush that we like to call the devil plant.
I'm pretty sure it was a type of holly plant.  It looked like this
the spikes on the end dug into your skin and you had to pull them out.  It attracted massive amounts of bees and other lovely bugs and it seemed impossible to get it out since it was well armored.  Anyways, we finally got it all dug out and now i'm not sure what to do with the corner.  We're left with sandy dry soil.  It's a really well shaded area and there's obviously no grass.  What do I do from this point?  Lay soil and hope to plant grass on top next year?  Lay mulch down and turn it into some sort of flower bed?  People with some lawn/plant experience please chime in.

I think I may have found possibly the coolest tshirt design ever.  Perfect for a husband's graduation party, right? :)
I posted it on facebook, but i'm going to put it on here too as a reminder.  I'm making a family picture table for the kids to be able to look at since we don't live near anyone.  This is the last update I have from everyone.  Please send me some new ones :)  I wouldn't even mind if you emailed it to me and i'll get it printed.

Perfectly fitting for number five.  In less than a month Caleb and I will be celebrating 5 years of being married.  Holy smokes where did the time go?  But I also can't really remember a time when we weren't together, the best of both worlds :)  Every year we go to The Melting Pot for our anniversary.  We both love it and it's a fun romantic thing to do.  Does anyone have some other ideas of what we could do on top of that?  5 years is one of the milestone years and I'm horrible with these sorts of things.

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