Wednesday, December 11, 2013

10 Months!

I woke up this morning totally forgetting our little lady turns 10 months today.  Double digits. Woah.  And in 2 months we'll be celebrating her birthday.  Nooo.

At 10 months she:

- Is taking quite a few steps on her own.  She can now stop and start walking again without falling down.
- She's still furniture surfing and she has a speed crawl, but to get from one couch to another she'll walk now.
- She says mama, dada, baby, bye bye, hi, uh-oh and probably a couple others I'm forgetting.
- If you ask her to go find her baby or her blanket she will go find them and bring them back to you.
- She working on her top teeth.  One popped through, so she has a total of three right now and I think the 4th is right behind.  She teeths much much slower then her brother ever did!
- She loves to give kisses.  There's nothing better then baby kisses.  She'll just randomly crawl over to you and give you lots of hugs and kisses.  Caleb and I usually get at least 5 with snuggles in between.
- She loves demolishing things.  You'd be amazed how fast a laundry basket can be emptied with this crazy lady.
- Sleeping is still not good, i'm going to blame it on teething for now.  But when we finally move into our house and can let our kids make noise and she can make noise, we'll be cracking down on it.
- She's in 9-12 month clothes and still size 3 diapers.
- She eats pretty much everything at this point.  I probably introduce all the foods faster then they say to, but she's survived so far.  And this girl loves her food!

I had planned on doing a 10 month photo shoot, but after the Christmas pics I won't be attempting that until she hits 12 months.

Don't mind her looking like a boy.  These are from game day Sunday :)

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