Tuesday, August 13, 2013

4 years

I was looking through all of our old pictures the other day and realized that for each year we've been married something major has happened in our life.  It seems like our 4 year timeline of marriage has squished in it what a normal couple has in a span of 10 years....but we're far from normal :p

Year 1:  We were married in August.  2 short months later, surprise!  A little Casen will be joining us.  2 months later, a few days before Christmas, Caleb leaves for Japan.  June rolls around and our first bundle of joy arrives while we're worlds apart and a couple weeks later Caleb returns safely from deployment #2.  (oh, and we've moved 4 times.)

Phew August rolls around and we've officially survived year # 1 

Year 2:  Oh hey, we need to borrow your husband to go to Panama for a little bit.  And why not, a few months later, let's take him with us to Washington.  So we were pretty much apart from August to November.  Fast foward to February, move number 5, California!  No need to settle in really, we'll be taking your husband for training from May to August.

Hey we survived year # 2 too! (and enjoyed and loved it even more then the first.)

Year 3:  We know you just had your anniversary and got your husband back a couple weeks ago, but we need to borrow him, again, for 7 months in Afghanistan.  Hardest year to date!  But so thankful to say, on one of the best days of my life, he came home safe and sound.  About 2 months later, yay, we find out we're getting a second little blessing :)

We made it through year # 3 completely in love.  We can make it through anything.

Year 4:  Another baby arrives with Caleb finally by my side.  A month later we are officially out of the military life! (by the way so so so proud of my husband and all he has done.) Enter move number 6, a trip literally across the country.

And here we are wrapping up yet another year.

So in short:  3 deployments, 2 babies, 7 moves, and a handsome husband by my side through it all.  There's no one else I'd rather be with.  He makes me laugh, knows me better then anyone, and has made life so much sweeter.  It's a little crazy, but it's our crazy :)

I love you Caleb.  Here's to hoping we never have a "normal" year of marriage because I love being on this exciting ride with you.

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

What an awesome post! It's insane what you guys have been through in such a short amount of time! Here's to another 4 happy years! :)