Thursday, February 14, 2013

Arya Morgan's Birth Story

As the little lady sits here squirming and eating away, I figured I should probably get her birth story written out before I forget.

Friday morning we had an ultrasound to determine if she was over 9 pounds, in which case I would be scheduled for a c-section.  After all their measurments they determined her around 7lbs 12 oz, give or take a half a pound.  The Dr. told us if she was right on, Arya would probably be about Casen's size by his due date.  If she was wrong she could hit the 9lb mark.  So we didn't need to do a csection, but were still planning a scheduled induction.

Sunday morning I woke up in horrible pain.  I wasn't sure what it was because the pain wasn't coming with any contractions.  Sunday night I called my dr to double check and she said if there weren't any contractions just to wait through the night and come in early to my appointment the next day to get checked out.

Monday morning came and the pain was still there, although not as intense.  We went to our 39 week appointment.  She was asking me what day would be best to schedule the induction while she was doing her exam and said, nevermind, you are 4cm and in labor we'll be sending you to the hospital from here.  This wasn't in the plans at all for us so we had to rush home and pack Casen's bag, drop him off at our friend's house, and were supposed to be back to the hospital within the hour.

We got to the hospital and got all checked in around 11.  After 3 IV attempts we were all settled in and I was about 5 cm.  I was definitely starting to feel them.  A couple popcicles later and another cm down, the nurses let me know my dr planned to break my water around 3 to get things moving along so now would be the time to get an epidural if I wanted one.  I knew she was going to be big and Casen's birth was not so pleasant  so I decided before we even got there I wanted one :)  Epidural done, water broke, we were good to go.  I felt awesome the entire time.  I told Caleb when I was around 9 and a half that I felt like I could take a nap.  It was such a better experience!

I went from 6 to 8 in 20 minutes and was 10 around 6pm.  They got everything set up and I started pushing around 6:30.  On 6:40 February 11, 2013 Arya Morgan Geiger arrived weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, 19 inches long.

She came out so fast that she didn't get the great breath that she needed to fully clear out her lungs, so she's having a bit of trouble being congested and bringing things up, but other then that is doing awesome.  She started nursing about 5 minutes after being born and has had a little attitude right from the start :)

We got wheeled over to recovery I think around 10 pm that night after I finished up my IV and got the epidural removed.  Caleb and baby got to stay with me the whole time, which was so nice.  Unfortunately due to the flu Casen wasn't allowed to visit at all so we were really anxious to get home so we could all be together.  We asked the nursing staff if being home by the next night was possible and they said their usually policy was 2 -3 days, but it was as long as everything looked good with baby.  All looked good so we ended up going home less then 24 hours after she arrived.

Her whole story was perfect and has been every since.  She's been sleeping well, eating well, and Casen is an awesome big brother.  And her dad is pretty awesome too :D  He went out grocery shopping the morning after we got home and came back with all my favorite foods along with chocolate and flowers.  And the little lady definitely knows her dad.  Every time she hears his voice she looks around for him.

It is so nice being a family of 4!


Sarah Benedict said...

So happy for you guys! What a blessing!

A Wife and her Carpenter said...

I'm so glad all is well :) We are SO excited for you all!!!