Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Half way

We've officially passed the half way mark.  I'm a little bit over 20 weeks and now that we know what we're having the time has started to really slow down.  It seems like in the beginning you have the milestones to look forward to, first doctor's appointment, the first ultrasound, hearing the first heartbeat, the gender ultrasound, feeling the first kick.  Now that we're passed all that it doesn't seem like there's much to push the time along until February.  I'm thankful for our 2 week vacation coming up and I suppose we have lots of holidays to keep up busy too....yay for finally getting to spend the holidays with Caleb!  We've only had one Christmas together since we've been married.

Arya is now the length of a banana, weighing in at 10 oz.

She is awake...a lot!  She kicks much harder then Casen did, especially this early.

I'm pretty much only sick in the mornings now before breakfast.  With Casen I was still really sick at this point.

I can't think of any particular cravings, except a lot of fruit.  I'm hungry all the time though and have lots of random cravings, just not one certain thing constantly.

I've gained less weight so far with her then Casen, but my belly is bigger.

 Left 20 weeks with Casen, Right 20 weeks with Arya

Our next appointment is about a week away and then its off for 2 weeks of much needed relaxation, especially for my husband :)

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