Friday, October 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday (a day late)

I'm trying my hardest these days to find things to be thankful for.  Some days are easier then others, but i'm hoping this weekly exercise helps.

This week i'm thankful for:
-Getting to hear from my husband for the first time in a long time, even if it was for a short while, it makes my day pretty much perfect (aside from him being here of course.)
-Watching Casen playing outside in the leaves bundled in his little work boots and jacket.
-Seeing on my donut of misery that we're 17% through this deployment!
-Having a husband to miss.  Being away is really difficult, but i'm super thankful God gave me a wonderful husband that is so easy to miss.
-Casen's learning new words!  His cutest so far is "Tyler"  I can't believe how quickly he learned that one.
-Getting to visit my newest adorable niece, and littlest diva I've ever met, miss Makenzie Alyssa.
-Putting together care packages for Caleb.  I really love shopping for him and putting it all together.

I'm hoping this coming week is a better week for me realizing what I do have instead of complaining about what's missing.

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

You have given me a new outlook and I'm going to try to change my attitude! Thanks Cristale! I'm praying for you!!!