Friday, February 25, 2011

Unpacking is going pretty no apartment pictures yet.

Casen loved furniture shopping

The mountains you can see almost anywhere you travel

Casen helping dad put together the new crib


Liz said...

Aww what a cutie :) I can't wait for more pictures. We miss you tons and hope that all is going well :) P.S. Your bed/dresser set is beautiful!

Cristale said...

Thanks! We're waiting on our new tv to arrive and a couple pieces of art for the living room and bedroom...and of course the last of the boxes to be unpacked then I'll be able to post pics. It's actually a lot like our apt in Williamsburg on the inside. It's taking so much longer to unpack this time around!

Sarah Benedict said...

It's so great to see you posting again Cristale! I have missed seeing the little man! He has really gotten long and lean looking! And growing up way to fast!