Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's February!  And while much of our family and friends are snowed in today, we woke up to a temperature of 62 : )  And are supposed to be enjoying 70's today.  A perfect day for the park or playground!
The weather has reminded me of how soon we'll be packing up and heading to California.  I can't believe it's only two weeks away!  So much to little time.
Casen has become a Cheerio vacuum cleaner.  He's started on steamed carrots and freeze dried yogurt (they're awesome and I highly recommend them.)  We're trying out avocado and bananas today.  Slowly but surely we're working on switching over to the sippy cup.  I can't believe he's 7 months old already.  And so so big!

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

Sooo cute! I can't believe how many blog posts I have missed. For some reason they haven't been showing up on my blog wall. He is getting so big! I miss you guys so much...