Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Casen is 5 months old today!  I can't believe how big he's gotten. I can't even remember being pregnant anymore and being in the hospital for his birth seems like it happened a long time ago, but it just doesn't seem like he should be five months old already...if that makes any sense.
Minutes Old
One Day
5 Months



Sarah Benedict said...

I can't believe it either! Crazy! I absolutely LOVE the picture of the two of you together...You look beautiful!!!

P.S. Are you doing the same thing I did for a while...trying to find a background I liked? LOL

Cristale said...

Aw Thank You!

Yes. Lol, I found one I loved then someone had the same one as me so ever since i've been trying out different ones that just didn't seem right. I'm liking this one...for now : p

Sarah Benedict said...

Thats exactly how it was for me too! I liked them for a day or so and then it just didn't work!

Liz said...

Jonathan and I think you look great!!!, but the shirt Casen is wearing is dumb. :)

Cristale said...

Haha...he has many more where that came from as well as blankets and hats ;)