Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I went in for my glucose screening and whatever else they take your blood for today. I guess they've found better stuff since all the people i've talked to had to do it because it was identical to orange soda, bubbles and all. So needles was the only hard part and for the first time ever I went in by myself and didn't even cry. Caleb woulda been so proud : ) I should get my results at my appointment next week.


Sarah Benedict said...

I had the orange with both girls and I didn't think it was bad at all! Glad you had a good appointment!

Liz said...

Yea! Im glad to hear it wasn't horrible! Im impressed you did so well. Answer to prayers.

Cristale said...

From what people had told me it was a thicker consistency and was flat...but mine was identical to orange soda, so i'm guessing it depends on which hospital you go to, because I didn't get a choice of flavor like most people did.

Sarah Benedict said...

Yea I didn't get a choice either and mine tasted like orange soda. Did they put yours in the fridge so it was cold too? Everyone told me how horrible it was going to be...must be were are ultra tough! LOL

Cristale said...

Yeah mine was in the fridge and even came in what looked like a mini soda bottle. My cousin just had a baby in November and hers was the thick extra sweet stuff...so I guess it really just depends on where you go what they have.