Thursday, February 28, 2019


Besides Arya's birthday, we had a pretty quiet, but pretty darn awesome February.

I can't really make a February blog without putting in writing that we got to watch our team win the superbowl! :)

The kids helped me make some football shaped rice krispie treats the night before.  And after the picture at the table was taken we somehow added even more food.  Football season is the best season!

Then came Valentine's day.  Caleb's really good about...actually amazing about bringing me home flowers and little treats all the time, as you can probably tell by my pictures.  He gave me the sweetest surprise on Valentines day this year :) 

Since Caleb's worked midnight shift for the past 5 years, we sleep in different shifts for over half of the year.  I hate it.  I never sleep well when he's not home. I don't think I ever have, and if you know our family, you know we've spent a lot of years with work separating us.  But midnight shift really does work the best for our family, so we make do.  Now, I have a little squishy sleeping buddy for my nights alone all the way from Vermont.  It's even more special because we're pretty sure Vermont is where we're going to take our big 10 year anniversary trip!

Thanks for making my years so sweet, Caleb.  This has definitely been my favorite year of all for us.

I think that's about it for our short and sweet month.  We got some snow days, a birthday, some date days, and some movie days.
I'm so thankful!


Karen said...

Nex time you come we will have to take the kids to the teddy bear factory. It’s actually pretty interesting. Vermont is pretty awesome. You’ll love it!

Cristale said...

They'd love it I'm sure. We've really liked it the few times we've gone. Actually, for a bit we looked to moving there. Unfortunately, Caleb would have to get all his tattoos that didn't happen :p

Karen said...

In Vermont!? One of the most liberal states ever!? Not something I’d even think about from them. New York maybe because it’s crazy.

Boston is only 3 hours away. May have to check they’re policies 😉