Friday, March 18, 2016

st. Patricks day

Every year since casen was born a leprechaun has come to visit our house.  It's turned from him leaving leprechaun kisses and little goodies to him wreaking havoc on the house.  The kids always have a blast and if you ask casen he'll probably tell you it's his favorite holiday.

This year, as Casens growing older, he decided setting a trap would be the best way to catch that leprechaun.  So he along with Caleb got to work on the perfect trap.
Unfortunately the leprechaun escaped by the brim of a hat :)

Thankfully he left a bunch of treats in the trap for almost catching him.

I didnt get as many pictures as normal because this was casens first year having school and we didn't factor in how dark it would still he's a lot faster about it then past years.  Aryas a much later riser so she had just as much fun a few hours after jo left for school.

They got big fake gold bars they got to dig apart to find either real gold or a gemstone in the middle of.

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