Monday, February 29, 2016


Between Arya's birthday and our hike I used up most of our family pictures for this months update.  But we have had some random other around the house happenings.

The beginning of the month we got to enjoy guests...but I got no pictures :(  The cousins are finally getting old enough to enjoy playing together.  I probably didn't do so well on pictures because while they were here, we ended up having plumbing problems and a plumber was here a good share of the time jack hammering our bathroom floor and fixing our troubles.  I don't think pictures are needed :)

However, after that whole mess we decided we had finally had enough of having two loveseats in our living room.  We never intended to have them, but our ceilings are too low on the bottom floor so the movers told us a couch wouldn't fit....unless we got a reclining one that could be taken apart.  We hated to get rid of brand new furniture at the time...but 2 years was about all we could handle of no sitting room!

We also picked up some artwork for our entryway.  I think it fits perfectly in our little nut house

I snapped this picture of Arya when we were on our way to school and I just cannot believe how grown up our little lady is.  And how i got so lucky with such a beautiful girl.

And my favorite human being on in the whole world spoiled his ladies immensely this month!  I say it over and over, but he is simply the best and I am an extremely lucky lady.

The bffs got some serious hang out time

And Casen has been doing simply awesome in school.  They get a color grade every day in order of the rainbow.  Purple is the best.  Everyone starts out on green for the day, that's the normal color.  You either work your way up or get in trouble and get knocked down.  Casen has so many purples this month!

I believe that's it for February!  We are gearing up to catch the leprechaun this month :)

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