Friday, October 11, 2013

8 Months

Where did 8 months come from?

This month she's grown at a ridiculous speed.  This has been the month with the most changes.  She's made the turn from little baby and his making her way to becoming a....toddler :(

At 8 months she:

- Is crawling!  She started crawling about a week after she turned 7 months and now she is everywhere.  She follows people to any room and a lot of times I find her in Casen's room playing with the toys by herself.
- She pulls herself up onto things.  This is semi-new so she's still getting the hang of it.  She pulls herself up onto the couches and ottoman, but she gets frustrated once she gets up there because she wants to go more places and her legs just aren't cooperating yet :)  The crib mattress is lowered because she has master standing up in there as well.
- Still in size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes.
- Her favorite word to say is "oh"...everything is, "oh."
- She LOVES food!  She cries if anyone else is eating and she's not.  The only thing she's not super fond of are apples, (so weird.)  She's started on more then just the mushy stuff.  She loves wheat toast, cut up fruit, and really any thing else she can get her hands on.
- She mimics what you do with your hands, especially pounding things, that's her favorite.
- She gets really excited when dada gets home from work and she's started her separation anxiety from me.  She finds me anywhere I go.
-  She loves hitting her bottom lip and making a noise (not really sure what the name of that is, but i'm trying to get a video.)
- She's obsessed with faces, especially noses and lips.
- She learned to play peek-a-boo by pulling a blanket over her head.  It's one of her favorites.
- She is still the happiest baby on the planet.  She really only cries when she's hungry.  My babies were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum....thank goodness :)

We love you little lady <3 nbsp="" p="">


Sarah Benedict said...

So cute! She is so big! :( As always, we miss you guys! We really need to skype soon! Between your busy schedule and ours it makes it pretty near impossible but someday we'll have to make time! ;)

Cristale said...

Yes :)