Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We've been stopped 5 or 6 times by modeling agents while we've been out and about...Target, the sidewalk, the mall...
I think Casen's the cutest...but let's face it, everybody thinks their kid is the cutest and most of the time...they're not.
The calls we've got have never really gone through because the timing was always off, but we got another call yesterday and Caleb's finally home.  So we're meeting with a modeling company today and seeing what happens.  No expectations.  If it works out, great.  If not, we're in the same lovely boat as right now :)

He lovess the camera!


Sarah Benedict said...

Good luck and keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

As I read this blog, I kept seeing Casen handing the camera to Caleb saying, "Again?" and then looking at himself in the picture Caleb took and saying, "Awwww." <3