Friday, January 31, 2014

House Progress

     Ever since our painter help left (Jonathan and Liz are seriously life savers!) things have been a little slow going.  Caleb gets a 3 day weekend this weekend so we're hoping to finish up all the painting and unpacking and get as settled in as we can.  No decorations are up and I have no idea when our family room furniture is supposed to it will most likely be awhile before I get pictures up of the finished product.  Before we moved in everything was beige.  The family room is now grey with the fire place a darker grey.  The kitchen is bright green.  The master bedroom is a teal color and Casen's room is orange.  We still need to paint Arya's room coral and the 2 bathrooms (still can't for sure decide on those colors.)  For now, we're leaving the play/guest room, laundry room, and living room, as well as all the hallways beige.

As soon as I get at least one room completed i'll post some pics.

Here's a couple in progress rooms

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