Friday, January 10, 2014

11 Months!

The last monthly update before the big birthday.

Last year at this time we were soaking up the California weather visiting Seaworld and Knotts (I wouldn't recommend it that pregnant.)  This year we're bundled in Virginia soaking up time with our sweet little lady.

It seems like this months she's made leaps and bounds into the toddler department.

- She's walking!  I already made a post on this, but even since then she has improved so much.  She can now walk across an entire room without falling and not so much of the wobbling with the arms flailing look.
- She's up to 6 teeth and I think possibly working on 2 more.  Right now It's 2 on the top and 4 on the bottom.
- She loves to everything.  It has made it a little easier to figure out what's on her mind.
- She can climb onto furniture
- She's started big kid playing.  She loves taking care of her baby.  She loves playing with her little purse and picnic basket.  Her favorite thing is picking things up and putting them away (hopefully that sticks)
- She calls her blanket her "ba ba" and it's her favorite thing.
- She loves to dance.  She finally does more then just head shaking.  It's super cute and hopefully I can get a video.
- Her favorite show is Super Why.
- She's started drinking cow's milk.  (Go ahead and judge me since the experts say to wait until 12 months...believe it or not she's still living.)
- Sleeping...not so great.  She's become the queen of crawling off into a corner and falling asleep on her own.  We're just still having trouble at night.  We're still catching up from the mini vaca and teething.

I tried really hard to do some nice pictures.  I asked if she would sit pretty and say cheese and she looked at me smiled and started say no no no while shaking her head and then would crawl away.  Soo I got 2 sad attempts.  Good thing she's cute!

1 comment:

Sarah Benedict said...

Time sure does fly! She is absolutely adorable!!! PS Marissa was on whole milk at 10 months and she lived too ;)