Wednesday, July 17, 2013

5 Months

Arya is now 5 months old...yikes...time is flying by.

It was really hard for me to enjoy Casen being litttle because he was crying 95 percent of the time. (I love him to death and always have, but the newborn time was not a very fun time :p)  Arya is such a happy baby!  It's been really nice to get to enjoy the little baby stage.  She's started teething so she's a little more grumpy then normal, but still, such a happy little girl.

She has a love a rolling.  Before she'd just do it once every once in awhile, but now she realizes she can get places by rolling.
She's sitting up for short periods of time.
She's standing leaning on things.
She's still in size 2 diapers and wears clothes anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
She's moved into a crip, but still sleeps in her breastfeeding pillow.  We tried a couple nights without it, but she didn't sleep as well.
She is almost completely transitioned to formula.  I'm bummed since she nursed so well that my milk didn't stick around...but we got a good 4 months in and she's full and happy.
She's not sleeping well at night.  She's been getting up around 3 to 4 times, but I think it's teething more then anything.  She still goes to down for naps and sleep all on her own.  I just lay her down when she starts rubbing her eyes and she puts herself to sleep. (Yay!)
She had her first cereal...she's not quite sure what to think.  But she does love gnawing on cucumbers, carrots, celery, and strawberries.

She's getting so big and learning new things all the time.  Her and Casen play more together, which is so fun to watch.  I can't imagine our lives without her :)

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