Tuesday, May 2, 2017


April was a busy month for us!

Casen had his week off from school for spring break.  Caleb had to work for a good portion of it, but we made due.

Arya still doesn't really sit too well through movies so instead of heading to a theater we made one of our own at home.  We got movie theater snacks and gave them some money and they had a blast.

We checked out some new (to us) parks

And we've done tons of enjoying the outdoors...including ice cream trips

We let casen pick on bigger activity to do on his break like a theme park or aquarium or the beach.  He surprisingly chose the beach.

And then we of course celebrated Easter.  We were low key this year.

And we got to end the month with Caleb getting off work and waking sleepy heads up to go out to breakfast

Our life has been extra sweet these days and im so thankful

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