Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Here's our January happenings.  It was a busy month!

We did a serious cleaning and organizing of our bonus room.  It went from just toys to a nice set up for a guest room.  We got to do all this because...

The kids both got new beds!
Inside Out for Arya

Casen, of course, chose everything football.

Then we got a major snowstorm while we had visitors.  We only ended up getting about a foot of snow, but Casen got 4 and a half days off school for it.  Virginia runs a tad different then New York when it comes to snow.

Then we had some more visitors.  We made a special trip out to Belle Isle where Tyler proposed.  It was quite a hike for the kiddos but they were such troopers and we had a blast!  We had an amazing weekend with them all around.

The hike tuckered them out a tad.

February should be just as packed and fun.  We have some more visitors and a little lady turning 3!


Unknown said...

<3 The pics of them both sleeping!!!

Karen said...

Next time we come down I want to go to Belle island. I love doing stuff like that but your brother won't ever go! ;-). Maybe if we all go he'd be more excited. It looks so pretty.