Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015 picture review

Here's a look back at our 2015 year in pictures

We celebrated our babies turning 2 and 5.  Holy smokes have Arya's looks have changed.

We did some major work on the house including losing a huge tree.

Casen caught his first fish.  and we had an amazing trip to New York visiting family and mini Lake Placid getaway just me and my love.

Caleb took me to see Imagine Dragons!

We celebrated 6 years of marriage and 9 years together.

A little nephew joined our bunch

Casen started kindergarten.
Caleb got a fancy new ride.

And we celebrated more family time then I could even fit in pictures on the blog.  We enjoyed visitors, we loved visiting, we cherished family beach days and mini getaways, we probably went a bit overboard on all holidays, and, of course, we loved every second of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a year !!!!! <3