Tuesday, September 1, 2015


We had another really busy month, which of course means not a lot of pictures.  We've been soaking up as much family time as we can and have had one of our best months yet :)

We've spent a good share of it outside and Casen enjoyed one of his new favorite things to do, bowling.

My brother and his family came down for a visit and this kids had a blast together.  We got to have family meals and made a trip to the children;s museum.  I think all of them could've stayed there all day.

We then took our mini anniversary trip and had a blast!  The kids lived in the pool.  We had yummy food, way too much shopping, and packed into 2 days as much as we could.  Caleb has been working so hard lately with no breaks so i'm glad we were able to slip away even for a short time.

Then my mom came for a visit.  I somehow got no pictures, but the kids loved having her here.  She even watched the kids one night so I could ride a long with Caleb in his fancy new car one night at work.  It was so fun seeing what he does and I am even more proud and thankful..(they should really get more love and credit :)

And my poor sister ended up in the hospital again.  She seriously had the roughest pregnancy of anyone I've ever met and then a month later has to get her gall bladder out.  The only upside was that we got to spend a few days snuggling this crazy kid.  His faces kill me.

And in exactly a week from today our little man starts kindergarten.  I can't believe it.  But I am so so excited for him.  I know it's exactly what our smarty pants needs.  He loves to learn and can't wait to go.

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