Friday, September 11, 2015

Our first baby is officially a kindergartner.  Tuesday was his first day and I'm so thankful that he loves it so much.  He hates to sleep and wakes up before our alarms he's so excited to go back.  We miss him, but know he is having so much fun.

First Day

Arya had a rough couple days.  She wanted to go with him.

Dinner after his first day of school.

Still super excited all the days after

Friday, September 4, 2015

Casen brought all of his supplies into school last night and met his teacher.  He already noticed the amount of dinosaur books and puzzles she has.  He is so excited! Papa and Grandma sent him the perfect Little Critter book and he is all set to head to school next week :)  I can't believe we're here already.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


We had another really busy month, which of course means not a lot of pictures.  We've been soaking up as much family time as we can and have had one of our best months yet :)

We've spent a good share of it outside and Casen enjoyed one of his new favorite things to do, bowling.

My brother and his family came down for a visit and this kids had a blast together.  We got to have family meals and made a trip to the children;s museum.  I think all of them could've stayed there all day.

We then took our mini anniversary trip and had a blast!  The kids lived in the pool.  We had yummy food, way too much shopping, and packed into 2 days as much as we could.  Caleb has been working so hard lately with no breaks so i'm glad we were able to slip away even for a short time.

Then my mom came for a visit.  I somehow got no pictures, but the kids loved having her here.  She even watched the kids one night so I could ride a long with Caleb in his fancy new car one night at work.  It was so fun seeing what he does and I am even more proud and thankful..(they should really get more love and credit :)

And my poor sister ended up in the hospital again.  She seriously had the roughest pregnancy of anyone I've ever met and then a month later has to get her gall bladder out.  The only upside was that we got to spend a few days snuggling this crazy kid.  His faces kill me.

And in exactly a week from today our little man starts kindergarten.  I can't believe it.  But I am so so excited for him.  I know it's exactly what our smarty pants needs.  He loves to learn and can't wait to go.