It has been an awesome, crazy, one of a kind year of settling in.
Here's a picture review of year 2014 for the Geiger clan.
In January we moved into our first home and began the makeover. It's been a long road and we still aren't done, but stay tuned this coming month for all of our current progress pictures.
We celebrated our littles turning 1 and 4
We found some new local spots to enjoy some days off
Caleb and I celebrated 5 year of marriage
In August we celebrated Caleb's graduation from the police academy and continued to celebrate in November when he passed his boards :)
We also got to head to New York to attend my sister's wedding and have also enjoyed there move down here this year
And to end the year we hosted our first Thanksgiving and for the first time ever we stayed at our own place for Christmas and enjoyed a quiet day as a family
I am ready to see what next year brings. Our next years always seem to top the last.
What a nice collage of pics and memories! I can't believe how much Arya has grown :(
I had a hard time narrowing down the post, we had a great year :)
I love this post :)
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