Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Before I start the post on our Halloween I just wanted to say that I completely understand people's views on celebrating or not celebrating Halloween.  We choose to celebrate it.  No, we don't teach our kids to worship the devil and it's not a dark day for us.  Some of my favorite memories as a kid are bundling up with our extended family and walking the streets trick or treating no matter how cold we were.  I would like my kids to be able to have those same types of memories.  As it is our first Halloween in our home, we had fun decorating and carving pumpkins that set on our front steps.

We almost always start off  a holiday with a special breakfast so Caleb and Casen headed out yesterday morning to get some goodies.

We then ran to get Casen a costume...highly recommend waiting until the day of to get the costume, they're half price!  I have no pictures of him in his costume because he saved for later that night.  I did try to get one of Arya.  We used some of Casen's old scrubs since she's still pretty little.

Caleb ended up getting tickets through work for Marvel Universe Live.  The performance was on Halloween at 7 so trick or treating was out of the question.  We knew Casen would much rather go to Marvel, but I didn't want him to miss out on the candy and such that he'd been looking forward to.  So this year we set up a little scavenger hunt in our back yard and the kids got to hunt for candy instead of asking our neighbors for it :)  He loved it at easter and he loved it again for Halloween.  It may just become a new tradition for us.

we found these instead of eggs to keep the candy in :)

 Then Uncle Ty stopped by to head to Marvel with us!

Then it was off to Marvel.  We didn't get many pictures because it was so dark all of mine ended up looking like this

But it was really cool and Casen was already asking when we could go back as we were walking out the doors.


Unknown said...


Sarah Benedict said...

What a fun day! They are so cute! And you shouldn't feel bad about celebrating! Every kid is different and every household is as well! You have to do what is right for you!