I've been informed that I haven't done a five on Friday in about 3 weeks. Oops. We have been busy busy around here because, if you've been living under a rock and haven't heard me say it a million times, this guy graduates this week! I'm a lucky lady :)
Here's the newest addition to the Geiger household. Caleb stained it for me yesterday and I'm so happy with the way it turned out.
Saturday Henrico County held a community day. All the county officials, fire department, and police department, as well as lots of county organizations came out and put on a fun event for families. The kids got to play games and check out all the county has to offer...and free Chick Fil A :) There were also tours of the jails and courts, but the kids got tired out and cranky so we missed that part. I didn't get many pictures, but it was so nice to be able to spend the day there with Caleb since he had to work. The kids are pretty proud of their dad!
I'm only throwing this out there because before we got one I had no idea they existed. We recently purchased this sound bar.
We're highly recommending them. We wanted surround sound but after going to the store wondered about all the cords and speakers with our little ones. For some reason little hands are attracted to electronics like little magnets. We saw these and decided to go this route since it's only two components and all the cords are hidden behind the tv. We're really impressed with the sounds quality. Surround sound without all the clutter :)
Five is totally random, but if at all possible this week, have a completely random date night staying in with your significant other. We usually pick dessert, wine, and one of our favorite shows after the kids go to bed and it's always so worth it.
After this week I should, if I ever remember to take pictures, have a bunch of posts :)
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