We are officially done painting!!!
We still have both the hallways, the laundry/mud room, and the unused living room that are beige, but for now I'd like to leave them that way. Our other rooms are so colorful it's nice to have a little understated wall color in between.
Anyways....on to the point of this post
The last room that needed painting was our downstairs bathroom. We finished the upstairs one about a month ago, but at least one person in our house has pretty much been sick since then.
We decided to do the same color as the upstairs one. I really like it. We just got a different shower curtain and rug to change it up a bit. Our bathrooms are pretty small, (something i thought would bother me, but I've come to discover I so love having the square footage elsewhere), so this was one pretty easy to paint. The downstairs and the upstairs bathroom differ in the fact that in the upstairs bath, the linen closet was placed in the hallway so the sink is in that nook and the downstairs bathroom linen closet is actually in the bathroom so the sink had to find a new location :) It makes a HUGE difference when painting.
Here's the before...as with the rest of the house, very beige
And here's the after
I LOVE that you painted it the same color!!! Great job, I bet it feels good to have that done!
Yes! We've been painting for 3 months so we were ready to be done. Now we just have mainly the family room to be put all together and we should be done
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