Sunday, August 11, 2013

6 Months!

I can't believe Arya is already 6 months old....she was born half a year ago, yikes.  My last baby isn't staying a baby long enough.

At 6 months she is
-Sitting up perfectly.  She doesn't need help anymore.
-Scooting to get the things she wants. (It's crazy how different kids develop.  Casen was a crawling machine at this age and in a couple weeks started furniture surfing.  Arya is perfectly content sitting still and playing with her toys.  Makes her stay a baby a little while longer :))
-Her eyes have turned brown.
-Size 2 diapers
-Transitioning between 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes.
-She's kinda over her pacifier.  She uses it for a little bit while she goes to sleep at night, but spits it out shortly after and won't take it back in the night.
-Still sleeps in her crib.  No more breastfeeding pillow.  She rolls herself to the side and curls up with a -blanket and falls asleep on her own.  Currently she's been sleeping from 11 to 4:30 eats and goes back to sleep until around 7:30. (Unless she has a bad night teething.)
-Speaking of which, no teeth yet, but her gums are still swollen and she bites down so hard on things her whole body they must be coming.
-She yells.....allll day long.  She started losing her voice about 4 days ago from yelling so much and it's still raspy because she never stops yelling enough for it to heal.  I wonder how long it'll be like that.
-She loves her oatmeal cereal.  She has that 3 times a day.  We're trying to get her to eat other baby food, but she's not a fan of anything else so far, (what kid doesn't like pears or bananas.)
-Her brother is still the best thing on the planet.  They are the cutest together.

She's such a little ham and we love her!

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