I think month 3 to 4 has brought the biggest changes.
She's rolling over. She's found her voice...and uses it...alll the time. She's in size 2 diapers. She's still kind of between 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes, but mostly on to the big girl stuff. She's about 13 pounds, (we haven't been to the doctors to get an exact measurement.) She grabs at things and plays with toys, even though they frustrate her quite a bit.) She still lovess Casen.
My milk supply is slowly taking a turn for the worse, so she's transitioning over to formula. We started out only have to give it to her once a day and she's up to about 3 times a day so I think it's only going to get worse. I had the same problem with Casen. She does nurse really well still when we can. As long as she's healthy i'm okay with it.
She usually wakes up about twice a night. I get 4 hour stretches of sleep in though, so it's not so bad. She still only wakes up to eat and falls asleep eating less then 5 minutes later. She's still sleeping in her breastfeeding pillow in her crib. I just lay her down and she falls asleep on her own. Her newest habit is pulling the blanket up by her face or over her face and then she is out.
We love her so much and I can't wait to see the changes she has this coming month, although i'd like her to stay my baby forever
I couldn't get a good video...she stops as soon as the phone comes out
Loving the new blog and name! :) I can't believe how big she is! Such a beautiful little girl!
Time is FLYING! She looks so much different in just the couple weeks its been since I saw her! I'm dying to get back up there!
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