Friday, March 7, 2025


 2025 has been a doozy.

We got quite a bit of snow.  The kids ended up getting an extra week off of school, but enjoyed it immensely

Caleb, unfortunately had to work on his birthday.  He's never really liked or care for celebrating it, but we at least had some emo fun with decor.

We made some early Valentine's Day cookies

We celebrated Arya's 12th birthday.  

And then it went back down hill.  We had a crazy ice storm that ended up knocking down trees that completely blocked our road and left us without power for quite a few days.  Being winter, the house was quite cold.  Thankfully, the kids were troopers and we were super thankful for people like Auntie Mo who had pizza delivered the days following as we were having to throw out the entire contents of our fridge.  Also, so thankful Caleb was able to stay as safe as possible having to be at work in all of the weather craziness.  The kids got yet another week off of school.

And with a complete lack of pictures, onto March.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 As i'm writing this, 11 days into January, the kids still haven't returned to school.  January has certainly started with a bang. We got quite the ice storm that has made a ton of roads undriveable and surrounding counties are without water.  

December was pretty awesome though, so I'll just go back to that.

Arya is taking chorus this year and they are much more serious about it down here.  They have uniforms and have to take singing tests for grades.  She had her first concert and it was amazing!

We, of course, decorated for Christmas.  I somehow completely forgot to get pics of the kids decorating the tree, but honestly, the older they get, the less of a big thing it is.  Everyone's favorite addition this year was some old movie poster prints.

We decide every year as a family what we're going to choose for the current year's new ornament.  This year, everyone picked our summer fishing trip as the highlight memory, so we went with a fishing ornament.

We had a Christmas cookie making and chestnuts night.  Our December traditions really our my favorite.

Caleb had to work on Christmas eve this year so we celebrated and did all our traditions a day early.  The kids open their stockings that evening.

And then we open our special box of chocolates and turn on White Christmas.  Caleb and I have had this tradition for over 10 years now, but it's even better with the kids being old enough to enjoy with us and they now both love the movie as well.

And then Christmas Eve Caleb had to head into work, but I got the awesome opportunity to do a ride along with him.  It was pretty special getting to spend what turned into Christmas morning with him and watch him do his job.  He is amazing at it!

We got home early Christmas morning and woke the kids up to open presents.  

It's not the crazy morning of ripping through toys like it used to be, but I really really enjoyed our Christmas this year.

I'm annoyed that this picture decided to be mostly blurry for no reason, but we went with filets for our Christmas dinner this year and we all were very happy with the decision.

And then a few days after that, sickness decided to join our household and hasn't left.  It's been a really rough few weeks.  We did our best to enjoy our New Year's Eve.

Here's to hoping January finishes better than it's started.