What a two months it's been!
I just have to start the whole thing saying how truly incredible my husband is.
After working way more than 12 hour days I see this walking through the door after 10 pm
Unfortunately, he's had to attend too many funerals this year. This month was particularly hard because Henrico lost one of their own. I'm just so proud of Caleb and I'm not sure how he does what he does, but I'm so so thankful for him.
Thankfully, the sad parts didn't take up our entire time.
We finally had some visitors, which we always love. I should have way more pictures, but for some reason I can't get them to attach. The kids loved all the game playing and hikes they got to squeeze in and it was really nice to have a happy note in all the sadness.
Caleb, unfortunately had to work this easter, but we made the best of it.
Since the kids are older, this year instead of eggs we decided to hide these especially hard items Skittles came out with. It was so much fun and the kids both said they loved it even more than an egg hunt. We've actually stumbled on a few from lawn mowing that they never did find.
We welcomed another sweet little niece to the mix. I can't wait to snuggle Raegan this summer!
And we got to end our month having one of the most fun moments I think we've ever had as a family. If you've ever visited us you know that it's pretty rare to not hear music playing somewhere in our house. Friday nights are spent checking out any new music, doing music trivia, watching old music videos. Thankfully, everyone in our house just loves music. When we found out we'd be able to get tickets for all of us to head to some of our favorite artists we couldn't pass it up....also not sure how we hit the jackpot and have kids who have the best taste in music!
I planned on getting a lot more photos and definitely a video or two, but it was just way too fun watching the kids have the time of their life. I think Casen lost his voice a bit from singing so loud and Arya's little rock hands never left the sky.
We've been really loving all of our family time. It's been so awesome watching the kids grow and get to hang out with them in a different way than we were able to when they were little. They have such cool interesting personalities. Our family walks each evening after dinner and connect four tournaments have just all seemed a little sweeter.