Monday, December 5, 2022


 November was a pretty awesome month for us.

Casen had another winter orchestra concert.  It was really cool to see how much they've progressed in such a short amount of time.

I dont know why I titled it his spring concert, but now I can't figure out how to change it.

We made our first batch of Geiger Christmas cookies.

We had an awesome Thanksgiving.  We were missing family, but we spent the day watching football and having lots of yummy food.  We did our turkey in the air fryer again this year and it was hands down the best turkey we've ever had. We even ended up getting to go for a nice long family walk after dinner to make room for the pie.

We decided not to be quite so grinch like this year and got all our Christmas decorations up.  We were long overdue for some new outdoor lights.

Our almost teenager is less and less enthused about things like decorating the tree and getting his picture taken :p
Our yearly ornament had to represent, I think every single person in the families favorite day this year.

We had a really fun random few nights at Crazy Rooster sampling the food trucks and beverages

I tried my best to get some updated pics of the kids, but i'm convinced a 12 year old boy is the equivalent to a toddler when trying to get cooperation for a nice picture.

And I think what will be my favorite gift for a long time.  Caleb and I have a longstanding tradition of watching White Christmas together on Christmas eve.  He got me a record player earlier this year and I've been really wanting the White Christmas soundtrack for it.  Unfortunately, it's not a record they're making anymore, so you have to track it down from way back when.  He surprised me with it early so I could enjoy it throughout the holiday season :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 There wasn't much to report in the month of September. We finally got the house all put together and fixed from the water damage and even got to turn our hidden room into a little office/homework space for the kids.

Caleb got to finish up his 5 month sleeve process.

My brother and family were finally able to come down for a visit. We've scheduled so many times over the last couple years and the weather or sickness has made us have to cancel for every single one. We had so much fun.

They got some sour candy on their treasure hunt.

We also got to carve some pumpkins. Caleb even joined in for his first ever pumpkin carving.

And last but certainly not least, we got to enjoy our first Virginia chestnuts of the year. I love that we have an orchard so close. We opted to stay in for Halloween this year with some fun Halloween movies and candy baskets that I got to make up for the kids.

Also, here's a psa to put a goodie bin out for your delivery drivers this time of year.  We have so much fun with it and the drivers love it!

Friday, September 2, 2022


 August was kind of a doozy for us.

An extremely loud noise while in the shower turned out to be a tree limb through our roof during a storm.  An entire night of crazy rain while there's a tree in your roof turns out to be quite a bit of water damage.  Caleb and I spent the evening changing out buckets while watching the water spread.  Thankfully, companies came and it's all been dried out, however, our ceilings in two rooms still look like this and our roof is currently under tarp.  Hopefully in the next update it will be a little better news.

On a happier note, Caleb and I celebrated 13 years.

With all that was going on with the house we didn't get to do as much as we like, but stopping by our favorite local brewery was really fun.

And I just have to say, I think this year has been a harder one as far as outside factors, but when it comes to being married, we've both said it's been our favorite by far. 

Caleb's had his left sleeve done for close to five years now and this year started on his right arm.  He's been having work done on it since July, but it's a lengthy process with such a big piece and all the healing time in between.  Most of it so far has been working from the back to the front in layers so it isn't quite completed, but he got one section fully done and it looks amazing.

And lastly, it seemed like the summer flew by and on August 22 the kids started school.  Casen is now in 7th grade and Arya is in 4th.  They've been doing awesome and we're really proud of them.

Monday, August 8, 2022


 July was our annual trip to New York to visit family.  We weren't able to make it up last year so this year was extra special.

I was especially terrible with pictures this year.  I'm glad twinner knew what was up and took them for this lady.

We started at mom and dads and got to celebrate his birthday as well as enjoy lots of cousin time.  We got spoiled with lots of yummy food too.

We were just missing two of my nieces

We got to celebrate a birthday with Caleb's parents too

Caleb got to be the pie maker this year

We also got to squeeze in some quick visits with Doug and the two oldest, next time I will remember a picture!

Our final destination was Jonathan and Liz's house.  The only time I had my camera, unfortunately Liz and Naomi weren't able to join, but one of these days I'll get the full gang.

The month came to an end with us enjoying being back at our favorite place to be, home.  

And I gotta say, August has already not been the month for us.