Sunday, May 30, 2010

36 weeks
and the drop has begun

30 days left...hopefully less : )

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My little mans going to have to wait to meet grandpa

Heaven became a little more wonderful today.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I had my church baby shower this past Sunday. It was really nice and we got a lot of things we were in need of.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It feels like it's been a long time...

I had my 34 week appointment yesterday. Everything still looks good. He's switched sides...again. He has every time i've been to an appointment so far and he's busy busy in there getting hiccups all the time. She didn't tell me my weight this time, but looking at the scale myself it looks as if I didn't gain anything. So I should be able to finish up the pregnancy gaining about 30 pounds total. I have my next appointment in about two weeks and then we are onto once a week, yay.

We've been spending all our time saying our goodbyes to grandpa. I'm sad our little man isn't going to get to meet him in this lifetime, but someday we will again : )

I'm getting very impatient to meet our son and finallyyy get to be with my husband again. It's been too long.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

32 weeks...only eight more to go.

Everything went well at the doctors today. I gained another three pounds. Still measuring perfect and still no stretch marks...but I have a feeling they are shortly coming. He switched sides and it's a lot more uncomfortable, so I really hope he switches back soon.
I had a fever and sore throat the past couple days, so if it continues I have to go to the regular doctor's to get it all checked out.
Other than that, back in two weeks.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The kicks to the ribs are just not neccesary.