Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

I used some of the money we got from the shower to order a diaper bag because I couldn't find any around here I liked. It came today and so far I love much as you can without being able to actually test it out. The colors are a little lighter than the picture shows, but the inside it lined with the green and it comes with a changing pad and little carrying case for wipes and such.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

30 week doctors appointment today
I've gained 19 pounds total...since I started going there, so a little more than that from the very beginning.
All looks good with perfect growth and no stretch marks, yay. I picked a pediatrician. Another appointment in two weeks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I had a chocolate themed baby shower with my family yesterday. It was so nice and we got a lot of much needed things for the baby. 30 weeks down, ten to go...but hopefully less : )

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I know he'll probably get plenty of blankets, but they had this fleece on clearance the other day. I made one of the no sew fleece blankets. The entire blanket only cost me five dollars and it was the perfect baby size, so I just couldn't pass it up : )

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I hate going to sleep at night knowing when I wake up i'll be even more sore.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I had my 28 week appointment today. My sugar test came back okay. My iron did not, so i'll be taking another pill for that, but I expected it since I don't eat red meat. All looks healthy with the baby and now I just need to find a pediatrician that takes our insurance.
Appointments every two weeks from now on. Let's hope it moves things along : )

Monday, April 5, 2010

I think besides all the baby things I'm missing with Caleb, holidays seem to be the hardest while he's deployed. But Easter came anyways and all of the family traditions continued. I'm excited that next year we'll be able to have an Easter with our son.

Breakfast at my moms

Ready to be able to wear normal dresses again

Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 months
I guess the little guys quite comfortable staying low