Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sleeping with an attached watermelon is more uncomfortable than one might think...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

22 weeks and a few days

I didn't think i'd grown any since the last one, but looking at it, apparently I have.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All the ultrasound tests came back normal, so we have a healthy baby on the way. Everything went well at the doctors except i've gained about ten pounds total so far, yikes, she says it's still low overall though.
When she was doing the heartbeat today he kicked the machine, so we have a little trouble maker already.
Next appointment in 3 weeks.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We have the official coming home from the hospital outfit : )

Friday, February 12, 2010

I finally have a little boy awake during the day...maybe this means he'll start sleeping at night : )

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It was so nice to get to see our baby again. It's been a long time. Still moving constantlyy, but it was cool to see where he was positioned and all his little features.
I won't know for sure the results until I go back to the doctors later in the month, but it sure looked like a healthy baby to me : )

Our Baby : )

Monday, February 8, 2010

Half way there...

Tomorrow we'll officially be half way to getting to meet this baby : )
And finally finding out what we're having!...I hope

So it's really been getting me thinking about all the little things.
What's s/he going to look like?
Is the personality going to be more like mine or caleb's or one completely of their own?
How much is s/he going to weigh?
What happens next?

I've also been thinking about when the little one grows up and i'm able to show them the blog and all the adventures s/he's brought us : )

So I wanted to post a few things of reminders
First, here's a link to his/her dad working out with the quarterback who won the superbowl this's always going to be way cooler than mom "little" brother even told me so after seeing this.

Second, my grandpa's at the point in his cancer and sickness that it's any day now and we're just kind of all holding our breath waiting. I heard this song and loved it (unfortunately this is the only place i could find it on the computer). I really hope my grandpa gets to meet this bundle of joy. He was such a big part of our lives growing up.

Hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to post new pictures of the baby : )

Thursday, February 4, 2010

19 weeks and a few days

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I think when they said the baby was in a rapid growth/weight gain stage, what they really meant was mom was in a rapid growth/weight gain stage.